939 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary system design optimisation of oscillating water column power plants: a nonlinear stochastic approach

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    This thesis presents the Multidisciplinary System Design Optimisation of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Power Plants. This work is based on a stochastic nonlinear approach. A novel Vane-Less Contra-Rotating Turbine (VLCRT) has been designed which outperforms any of the existing architectures both in terms of on- and off-design characteristics. A multi-fidelity design framework together with optimisation genetic algorithms was used to develop and improve this OWC component.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánic

    The Effectiveness of Advanced Practice Nurses with Respect to Complex Chronic Wounds in the Management of Venous Ulcers

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    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses with respect to complex chronic wounds (APN-CCWs) in the care of patients with venous ulcers. A multicentric, quasi-experimental pre-post study was conducted without a control group in the sanitary management areas where the APN-CCW program is being piloted. The intervention consisted of a mass training of clinical nurses from the participating districts on the proper management of injuries and the use of compression therapy. The data were collected through a specifically constructed questionnaire with questions regarding descriptive variables of injuries and their treatment. A total of 643 professionals responded (response rate of 89.1%), attending to a total population of 707,814 inhabitants. An increase in multilayer bandage use by 15.67%, an increase in elastic bandage use by 13.24%, and a significant decrease in the referral of patients to consultation with hospital specialists was achieved, from 21.08% to 12.34%. The number of patients referred to the APNs was 13.25%, which implied a resolution rate of 94.08% of their injuries. In conclusion, the coordination by the APN-CCWs in patients with venous ulcers was effective in improving the continuity of care, in the optimization of resources, and in their care role

    Trends in Nanoparticles for Leishmania Treatment: A Bibliometric and Network Analysis

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical illness with a wide variety of clinical signs ranging from visceral to cutaneous symptoms, resulting in millions of new cases and thousands of fatalities reported annually. This article provides a bibliometric analysis of the main authors’ contributions, institutions, and nations in terms of productivity, citations, and bibliographic linkages to the appli- cation of nanoparticles (NPs) for the treatment of leishmania. The study is based on a sample of 524 Scopus documents from 1991 to 2022. Utilising the Bibliometrix R-Tool version 4.0 and VOSviewer software, version 1.6.17 the analysis was developed. We identified crucial subjects associated with the application of NPs in the field of antileishmanial development (NPs and drug formulation for leishmaniasis treatment, animal models, and experiments). We selected research topics that were out of date and oversaturated. Simultaneously, we proposed developing subjects based on multiple analyses of the corpus of published scientific literature (title, abstract, and keywords). Finally, the technique used contributed to the development of a broader and more specific “big picture” of nanomedicine research in antileishmanial studies for future projects

    Influence of the wall material on the moisture sorption properties and conditions of stability of sesame oil hydrogel beads by ionic gelation

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    Artículo científico publicado en la Revista LWT-Food Science and Technology, la cual se encuentra indizada en el JCR, SCOPUS, pertenece al cuartil Q1 con un factor de impacto de 4.0Sesame oil was encapsulated by ionic gelation using matrices of sodium alginate and nopal mucilage as wall material. Moisture sorption isotherms of three different types of hydrogels beads formed by SA-NM (1:0 w/w), SA-NM (1:1 w/w) and SA-NM (1:1.5 w/w) were performed at 25, 35 and 45 °C. Experimental isotherms were described by means of the GAB model, showing sigmoidal shape. Pore radius values of beads ranged from 0.81 to 7.59 nm, corresponding to micropores and mesopores classification. The integral thermodynamic properties were estimated to define conditions of maximum stability of the hydrogel beads. The point of maximum stability, linked to minimum integral entropy, was in the range 3.31-5.59 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. (corresponding to water activity, aW, of 0.23-0.59) in the studied temperature range. Enthalpy-entropy compensation for the beads exhibited the presence of two isokinetic temperatures; one at low moisture contents (0-5.95 kg H2O/100 kg d.s.) controlled by variations of the water entropy, and a second given by enthalpy-driven mechanisms. Overall, the results showed that the hydrogel beads exhibited features of micro- and meso-porous biomaterials. Besides, the composition of the wall material has central implications for the characteristics of the sorption process.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México mediante el proyecto con clave 4738/2019/CI

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction of fructans from agave (Agave tequilana Weber var. azul) at different ultrasound powers and solid-liquid ratios

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    Abstract The effects of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) at different ultrasound power densities (UPDs; 40, 80, and 120 mW/mL) and solid:liquid (S:L) ratio (1:2, 1:3, and 1:6) on the extraction of carbohydrates from Agave tequilana plant of different ages were evaluated. Extracts obtained (6- and 7-year-old plant) were analyzed in the yield of carbohydrates (YC), fructan (FRU) content, simple sugars, fructan profile and the average degree of polymerization (DPn). UPD, S:L ratio, and plant age all affected YC, FRU, and DPn. Maximum YC and FRU were obtained from the older agave with UPD and S:L ratio of 120 mW/mL and 1:6, respectively; while glucose, fructose, and sucrose were highly released from the younger plant. Agave of 7-year-old presented the highest DPn. Fructan degradation occurred at high UPD, increasing the simple sugars and decreasing the DPn. Thermal-traditional extraction without sonication caused more fructan degradation; and overall, ultrasound enhanced fructan extraction and minimized fructan damage, representing a technological alternative for fructan extraction from agave. Keywords: agave; fructans; ultrasound; power density; solid:liquid ratio; plant age. Practical Application: Agave tequilana Weber var. azul plants have significant amounts of fructans. Extraction of these components by alternative methods such as ultrasound could represent advantages, improving the extraction and product quality. This research presents an alternative for the extraction of fructans assisted with ultrasound, evaluating different powers and solid-liquid ratios from agave heads of two different ages. Both variables, as well as age of agave showed a strong effect on fructan extraction. Ultrasound enhanced the extraction and minimized fructan damage, representing a technological alternative

    New Perspectives for UAV-Based Modelling the Roman Gold Mining Infrastructure in NW Spain

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    This contribution discusses the potential of UAV-assisted (unmanned aerial vehicles) photogrammetry for the study and preservation of mining heritage sites using the example of Roman gold mining infrastructure in northwestern Spain. The study area represents the largest gold area in Roman times and comprises 7 mining elements of interest that characterize the most representative examples of such ancient works. UAV technology provides a non-invasive procedure valuable for the acquisition of digital information in remote, difficult to access areas or under the risk of destruction. The proposed approach is a cost-effective, robust and rapid method for image processing in remote areas were no traditional surveying technologies are available. It is based on a combination of data provided by aerial orthoimage and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to improve the accuracy of UAV derived data. The results provide high-resolution orthomosaic, DEMs and 3D textured models that aim for the documentation of ancient mining scenarios, providing high-resolution digital information that improves the identification, description and interpretation of mining elements such as the hydraulic infrastructure, the presence of open-cast mines which exemplifies the different exploitation methods, and settlements. However, beyond the scientific and technical information provided by the data, the 3D documentation of ancient mining scenarios is a powerful tool for an effective and wider public diffusion ensuring the visualization, preservation and awareness over the importance and conservation of world mining heritage sites

    Composición botánica y valor nutritivo de la dieta consumida por bovinos en un área invadida por pasto rosado [Melinis repens (willd.) Zizka]

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    The objective was to evaluate the botanical composition and nutritional value in the diet of bovine cattle in areas invaded by natal grass [Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka]. The research was conducted at the Salinas Ranch, in the municipality of Satevó, Chihuahua, in a brush grassland. Botanical composition of the area was determined by the line-point intercept method. Sampling was conducted from August 2013 to February 2014. The botanical composition of the diet (microhistological technique) and the nutritional value were determined using two esophageal-fistulated Hereford/Angus heifers (350 ± 5 kg). The data were subjected to a variance analysis, and the chemical composition of the diet was fitted using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS to a mixed model. The average available forage during the four phenological stages was 1,279 kg DM ha-1, with a presence of 87.5 % natal grass (1,119.13 kg DM ha-1). The highest preference indexes were for Aristida divaricata (8.43) and Croton pottsii (12.95) during the growing stage; whereas the least preferred species was Melinis repens (0.33 to 0.41). The highest crude protein content was observed during the growing (13.23 %) and flowering stages (10.71 %). During this study the best quality of the diet was determined during the growing and flowering stages and was mainly composed of Melinis repens during four stages.Se evaluó la composición botánica y el valor nutricional de la dieta de ganado bovino en áreas invadidas por pasto rosado [Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka]. La investigación se realizó en el Rancho Salinas, municipio de Satevó, Chihuahua, en un pastizal amacollado arbosufrutescente. La composición botánica del área se determinó por el método de línea de puntos. Los muestreos se realizaron de agosto de 2013 a febrero de 2014 y se utilizaron dos vaquillas fistuladas del esófago de la cruza Hereford-Angus de 350 ± 5 kg. La composición botánica de la dieta se obtuvo mediante la técnica microhistológica y su valor nutricional por análisis bromatológico. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de varianza; los datos de calidad de la dieta se ajustaron a un modelo mixto mediante el procedimiento PROC MIXED del SAS. El promedio de forraje disponible durante las cuatro etapas fenológicas fue de 1,279 kg MS ha-1, con presencia del pasto rosado del 87.5 % (1,119.13 kg MS ha-1). La dieta seleccionada por el ganado bovino estuvo compuesta por 74 % de gramíneas, 19 % de arbustivas y 7 % de herbáceas. Las especies preferidas fueron Aristida divaricata (8.43) y Croton pottsii (12.95) durante la etapa de crecimiento; el menor índice de preferencia fue para Melinis repens (0.33 a 0.41). El mayor contenido de proteína cruda se obtuvo durante las etapas de crecimiento (13.23 %) y floración (10.71 %). La mejor calidad de la dieta se presentó durante las etapas de crecimiento y floración, y estuvo compuesta principalmente por Melinis repens en las cuatro etapas.

    Evolution of the corpus luteum volume determined ultrasonographically and its relation to the plasma progesterone concentration after artificial insemination in pregnant and non-pregnant dairy cows

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    P. 183–188The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of the evolution of the corpus luteum (CL) volume that was determined ultrasonographically with the pregnancy status in lactating dairy cows during early pregnancy. Ultrasound examinations were carried out on 76 cows following artificial insemination (AI). Plasma concentrations of progesterone were determined from blood samples collected at each ultrasound examination. Conception was confirmed by ultrasonography on day 30 after AI. Around day 14 post-insemination (p.i.), the CL volume tended to decrease in pregnant and non-pregnant cows, and, after day 19 p.i., both groups differed significantly, indicating the luteal regression in non-pregnant cows. Reaching signification on day 20. The diminution in CL volume was also reflected in the plasma progesterone concentration. However, the patterns of CL volume, estimated by ultrasonography, differed more evidently and earlier between both groups (around 1 week p.i., at day 9 p.i. P < 0.05, whereas progesterone started to differ around 2 weeks p.i., at day 14 p.i, P < 0.05). These results indicate that the estimation of the CL volume by ultrasonography could be useful for assessing the presence of a functional CL.S

    Presencia de ftalatos en agua embotellada comercializada en la Ciudad de México y su migración durante el almacenamiento a diferentes temperaturas

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    Vazquez, M., Gutiérrez, R., Pérez, J. J., Escobar, A., Rivera, J. G., & Vega, S. (septiembre-octubre, 2017). Presencia de ftalatos en agua embotellada comercializada en la ciudad de México y su migración durante el almacenamiento a diferentes temperaturas. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua, 8(5), 91-103. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la presencia de ftalatos en cuatro marcas de agua embotellada y evaluar el efecto de la temperatura en la migración a través del tiempo. Se realizó un muestreo durante seis meses de cuatro marcas comercializadas en la Ciudad de México, para determinar el contenido de esteres de ftalatos por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC, por sus siglas en inglés) y se evaluó la migración de los esteres de ftalato en el agua a partir de sus envases plásticos (1.5 l) a distintas temperaturas (8+2 °C; 22-25 °C; y 35±1 °C) durante 70 días. En las cuatro marcas de agua embotellada se identificaron el ftalato de dibutilo (DBP, por sus siglas en inglés), ftalato de benzil butilo (BBP, por sus siglas en inglés) y ftalato de di-(2-etil-hexilo) (DEHP, por sus siglas en inglés), con una frecuencia de 54, 25 y 96%, respectivamente. En la marca 1, dos muestras sobrepasaron el límite permisible para este compuesto (6 ìg l-1); mientras en los ftalatos DBP y BBP, sus valores se encuentran por debajo del límite umbral establecido por la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de Estados Unidos de 455 y 100 ìg l-1, respectivamente. El DEHP fue el más abundante en las muestras investigadas. Se observó un incremento de DEHP a los 70 días, alcanzando la saturación en todos los tratamientos evaluados. Estos resultados alertan a las instancias reguladoras de la necesidad de contar con programas de monitoreo para el DEHP y otros ftalatos que se han relacionado de forma directa con enfermedades endocrinas a nivel global

    Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case–control study

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    [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms could explain part of the remaining heritability. Multiple interactions have been reported, but only the shared epitope (SE) × protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) interaction has been replicated convincingly. Two recent studies deserve attention because of their quality, including their replication in a second sample collection. In one of them, researchers identified interactions between PTPN22 and seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The other showed interactions between the SE and the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide-positive (anti-CCP+) patients. In the present study, we aimed to replicate association with RA susceptibility of interactions described in these two high-quality studies. METHODS: A total of 1,744 patients with RA and 1,650 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry were studied. Polymorphisms were genotyped by single-base extension. SE genotypes of 736 patients were available from previous studies. Interaction analysis was done using multiple methods, including those originally reported and the most powerful methods described. RESULTS: Genotypes of one of the SNPs (rs4695888) failed quality control tests. The call rate for the other eight polymorphisms was 99.9%. The frequencies of the polymorphisms were similar in RA patients and controls, except for PTPN22 SNP. None of the interactions between PTPN22 SNPs and the six SNPs that met quality control tests was replicated as a significant interaction term--the originally reported finding--or with any of the other methods. Nor was the interaction between GSTM1 and the SE replicated as a departure from additivity in anti-CCP+ patients or with any of the other methods. CONCLUSIONS: None of the interactions tested were replicated in spite of sufficient power and assessment with different assays. These negative results indicate that whether interactions are significant contributors to RA susceptibility remains unknown and that strict standards need to be applied to claim that an interaction exists.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 11/01048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 12/01909Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0009/000